Video Presentation & Personal Reflection

I feel like my presentation over type 2 diabetes in African Americans was a great opportunity to combine many of the strategies I have learned this semester in regard to delivering health education information.  I was far more nervous at the beginning of my presentation than I could ever have anticipated.  I left some of the supplies for my presentation back home in Arkansas and had to make a late night trip to Wal-Mart after Friday's class in order to get materials to reconstruct what I needed for my display.  This mishap only added to the nerves that were building up leading into Saturday's class.

I think that due to the supportive environment established by my peers I was able to regain my composure after the first couple of minutes of my presentation, and I felt good overall after my conclusion.  The importance of type 2 diabetes self-management is a topic that has been important to me for several years because I have witnessed firsthand the multitude of complications that occur in the African American population as a result of poorly controlled diabetes.  I felt that I was able to convey how significantly type 2 diabetes impacts African Americans, which health care professionals should be involved in the care of diabetics, and why self-management behaviors are so critical for length and quality of life following a type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

One of the things a couple of classmates did that I will consider incorporating in the future is to place my surveys and evaluation in individual folders for ease of distribution.  Additionally, having a few pertinent talking points typed us as a guide will help to ensure that I do not inadvertently omit anything during my presentation.  For instance, symptom-focused self-management is common in African Americans and I did not emphasize that as much as I had intended during my presentation.  Thankfully, I was able to elaborate on that subject as part of my response to a question asked at the conclusion of my presentation.

My video has been included below.

Thanks for viewing.


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